About Us

In 1992, the employers’ federations that brought together economic agents with industrial activity, decided to associate in a confederation that would better represent their economic, technical, social and legal interests, both at national and international level.

In the conference on March 20, 1992, through the free consent of 10 employers ‘federations, as founding members, it was decided to set up the Employers’ Confederation of Romanian Industry to represent their common general interests in their relations with public authorities, with unions and other legal entity (individuals and companies), as well as with national or foreign associations. Subsequently, by Bucharest City Court’s Decision no. 9/ 08.07.1992 CONPIROM became a legal entity.

In 2011, the Bucharest City Court – 4th Civil Division, approved by Civil Sentence no. 32 EDF of 18.10.2011 the request to change the name from the Employers “Confederation of Romanian Industry – CONPIROM”, to the “Employers’ Confederation of Industry, Agriculture, Constructions and Services from Romania – CONPIROM”.

The Romanian Employers’ Confederation of Industry, Agriculture, Constructions and Services – CONPIROM, which currently has affiliated 21 Federations and Employers’ Associations, has the status of Representative Employers’ Confederation at national level, according to the Bucharest City Court – Civil Division IV ‘ s Court ruling 1 / REP from 12.03.2019 – and represents the main branches of the Romanian industry.

CONPIROM currently has 21 members (employer’s federations and associations) listed in alphabetical order:

  1. AIF – Railway Industry Association
  2. APMR – Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association
  3. APREL – Romanian Employers Association in the Electrotechnical Industry
  4. APROMECA – Romanian Employers Association in the Industry of Fine Mechanics and Mechatronic Optics
  5. ASFOR – Romanian Foresters Association
  6. FEPA-CM – Employers’ Federation in the Machine Building Industry
  7. FEPIMEDIU – Federation of Environmental Employers in Romania
  8. FJPIMM Iaşi – County Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises Employers’ Associations from Iaşi County
  9. FPSCAFDTRR – Employers’ Federation of Driving Schools and Trainers in the Field of Road Transport in Romania
  10. FSS – Federation of Security Services
  11. LIR – Employers’ Association “Romanian Entrepreneurs League”
  12. METACHIM – Employers’ Federation of Chemical Producers
  13. METALLURGY – Metallurgical Employers’ Federation
  14. NITROPHOSPHORUS – Nitrophosphorus Employers’ Federation
  15. PATROCONS – Employers’ Association of Builders
  16. PATROMAT – Employers’ Federation of the Construction Materials Industry
  17. PBR – Romanian Jewelers’ Association
  18. PIMM Oltenia – Employers’ Association of Small to Medium Enterprises Oltenia
  19. PMI – Integrative Medicine Employers
  20. RECOMAT – Recomat Employers’ Federation
  21. ROMPAP – Employers of the Pulp and Paper Industry

The elected management of CONPIROM is as follows:

  • Ionel BORŞ – President
  • Mihai Victor ROHAN – Senior Vice President
  • Florin Mihai – Senior Vice President
  • Marin MIREA – Senior Vice President
  • Prof. Gheorghe GHEORGHE – Senior Vice President

CONPIROMis established, according to the Law on Social Dialogue no. 62/2011, on the criterion of the sectors of activity or territorial activity and organized in associative structures such as employers’ federations or associations.

The main object of CONPIROM’ activity falls within the CAEN 9411class – “Activities of economic and employers’ organizations”, including activities of other CAEN codes, in compliance subject to the legal provisions in force, the statutory provisions and the elected management decisions.

According to the stipulations of the Social Dialogue Law no. 62/2011, CONPIROM Confederation has fulfilled the four requirements for granting representation at the national level, namely:

  1. It has the status of Employers’ Confederation according to the civil sentence no. 1016/ 10.07.2010 pronounced by the Bucharest City Court, Civil Section IV in File no. 18962/3/2017.
  2. It has organizational independence (according to art. 14 of the STATUTE) and functional independence (it has its own annual budget approved annually).
  3. Its members are owners whose companies comprise at least 7% of employees in the national economy.
  4. CONPIROM has territorial structures in 25 Romanian counties, which represents more than half plus one of the counties of Romania according to Law 62/2011. These counties are: Alba, Bacău, Bistriţa Năsăud, Botoşani, Braşov, Caras-Severin, Cluj, Constanţa, Dâmboviţa, Dolj, Galaţi, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Mureş, Neamţ, Olt, Prahova, Sălaj, Suceava, Tulcea, Vaslui , Vâlcea, Vrancea, Bucharest.

CONPIROM Confederation represents, promotes and defends the economic, technical, legal and social interests – general and common of its members. Participates in the mediation and settlement of disputes arrising, in accordance with the law and its own STATUTE.

CONPIROMis advocating compliance with the legislation, promoting professional ethics and fair competition rules both in the activity and relations between its members, as well as in relation with the other economic operators, with the state administration and civil society structures.

CONPIROM Confederation is actively involved in all structures and at all levels of social dialogue and supports with the experience, knowledge and information of all its members – the elaboration of decisions and normative acts that are relevant to the activity and the good functioning of the economic operators, industry, economy and society in general.

CONPIROM Confederation designates the representatives, from among the federations, employers’ associations and member associations, to participate in negotiations and agreements in the relations with the public authorities and trade unions, as well as in the bipartite or tripartite structures of social dialogue. Confederations may also designate representatives in the negotiation and conclusion of collective agreements, in accordance with the law.

In achieving its goals, CONPIROM Confederation collaborates with other employers’ structures, professional associations, unions, federations and similar confederations from the country and abroad, on the principle of autonomy and mutual interest.

In order to fulfill the purpose for which it was established, CONPIROMsupports the work of its members, through various forms.

A member of CONPIROM Confederation can be any organization, association, federation or employers’ union, regardless of the form of ownership of their members, representing economic operators, who have freely expressed their will to be part of the Confederation and agree with CONPIROM’s STATUTE.

Taking into account the above mentioned Bucharest City Court – Civil Section IV, by the Civil Sentence no 1/REP of 12.03.2019, approved the reconfirmation and extension of the status of National Representative Employers’ Confederation for the period October 2019 – October 2023 for CONPIROM.

Through its sectoral organization and its competent involvement in the economic life and labor relations in the country, CONPIROMcan be considered the most representative employers’ structure in the Romanian economy and even outside the labor relations.


President: Ionel BORŞ

HQ Address:
Unirii Blvd., no. 31, Bloc A1, District 3, Bucharest, Romania
Phone no.: +40 213 266 089 | Fax: +40 213 26 6 090
Email: office@conpirom.ro | dep_federatii@conpirom.ro
Web: www.conpirom.ro